The College

Established in 2005, Maritime Business Institute has established solid credentials and has a dedicated employee complement that takes pride in maintaining high academic standards.

Our success is attributed to an honest and open approach to communication and superior performance, adopting strong discipline and good business ethics as key policies to ensure learner and client satisfaction. Persistent networking with learners and shareholders alike has proven effective in forging relationships of trust that provide our competitive edge. Communication is imperative to ensure maximum impact. Thus open channels of communication have been established to ensure we meet the requirements of our learners, shareholders and clients.


To be an innovative world-class college, rooted in communities, enabling people to learn and earn a better living. Simultaneously, to provide relevant and demand led training to the Private Sector, Government Sector and to the Public in General.


Where people live and work, Maritime Business Institute will contribute to the vitality of communities and the strength of the economy through innovative adult education programs and services which equip people for successful living, lifelong learning, and work in a global knowledge – based economy.


Concern for People
Respect for Diversity
Teamwork and Trust
BEE Status
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