Qualification: NatNDipMgtAss(DHET)
QCTO NATED/16/0207DHET NO.: 0599992549SAQA ID: [N4-66876] [N5-66956] [N6-67001]
What is a Management Assistant?
This qualification has been developed to enable students who are particularly interested and talented in an occupational or vocational area to develop competencies in administration, which will enable them either to study further or to be employed and be productive in the sector at entry level and/or second tier level. The Management Assistant Diploma provides opportunities to access typist, office administration, secretarial, receptionist and personal assistant careers. The person that will make a success of a career in administration or as management assistant is a person that is organized and methodical.
Entrance Requirement
- A National Senior Certificate;
- A Senior Certificate;
- An FETC; or
- An N3 qualification in the relevant specialization area.
Course Duration
18 months
Upon successful completion of the N4+N5+N6 National N Diploma and the relevant 18 months practical workplace learning, the learner will be awarded the National N Diploma Level 6 from the Department of Higher Education.
Career Pathway
- Administrative Assistant
- Personal Assistant
- Marketing Assistant
- Executive Secretary
- Data Capturer